Course Syllabus

Course Title

Downloadable Syllabus Template in Word

This course runs from [Section Start Date] to [Section End Date]

[Include any information pertaining to the meeting time, location, and modality of your course.]

Course Modality: 

Meeting Times: 



Professor Information

[Complete and edit as appropriate.]

  • Professor Name:
  • Department:
  • Office Location:
  • Availability/Open Student Hours:
  • Email:
  • Phone #:


Course Catalog Description

[The course description, available in the University CatalogLinks to an external site., presents broad, general goals about what students are expected to learn.]


Course Overview

[Use this block to supplement the official course description as needed. Add a welcome message to students and offer an overview of your course and your teaching approach. See Warming up Your SyllabusLinks to an external site. for strategies and examples.]  


Student Learning Outcomes

[Student Learning Outcomes (SLOs) are clear, assessable statements that enable students to demonstrate learning in line with course goals. Typically courses have 3-5 SLOs. 

Before writing SLOs, instructors should see if their department has defined SLOs for this course. If not, instructors may find Bloom's Taxonomy and this Plan Your Course guideLinks to an external site. helpful in writing assessable SLOs.]


Course Materials 

[List required or recommended texts and resources, including web resources and technologies, indicating whether items are linked on Canvas, for example. 

Consider providing estimated costs and suggested methods for sourcing, including whether resources are available through the library. See Sprague LibraryLinks to an external site. for further guidance.]


Course Schedule

[Include a summary schedule with a link to a separate Canvas page or file that details the weekly schedule of topics, activities, assignments, and assessments. Schedule templates are available on Canvas Commons.] It may be helpful to review the Academic Calendar.Links to an external site.


Grading Breakdown

[Provide students with an overview of how final grades are calculated, identifying the primary elements and corresponding weights. Typically the syllabus does not include assignment details and instructions. Include these details within individual assignments. See Plan for GradingLinks to an external site. for guidance.]

Element 1 %
Element 2 %
Element 3 %
Element 4 %
Element 5 %


Grading Scale

A 94-100%
A- 90-93%
B+ 87-89%
B 84-86%
B- 80-83%
C+ 77-79%
C 74-76%
C- 70-73%
D+ (undergraduate only) 67-69%
D (undergraduate only) 64-66%
D- (undergraduate only) 60-63%
F 0-59%


Academic Honesty and Integrity

[Instructors may wish to revise or extend this statement.]

[Instructors may wish to revise or extend this statement, including addressing preferences or rules regarding Gen AI, either within this statement or as a separate component. See AI Course Policies and Assignment Guidelines for guidance.]

Academic Honesty is a core University value. Take time to understand the University's policy. Your questions about academic honesty are always welcome. You can ask me or consult the Center for Academic Success and Tutoring (CAST) or the Center for Writing Excellence (CWE) before submitting work.


Course Policies

[Foreground high-level policies relevant to students' success in your course, including policies on late work, attendance, etc.]

  • Late Work Policy: 
  • Attendance Policy: 
  • Other Policies: [specify any other policies you may have, e.g., participation, classroom climate, extra credit opportunities, test or exam conditions, etc.]





Student Services

  • Red Hawk Central: The first stop for administrative and financial questions should be Red Hawk Central, which is home to Student Accounts, Financial Aid, and the Registrar. Live chat available at the website for referrals and quick questions.
  • Undergraduate Student Guide or the Graduate Student Guide: Your rights and responsibilities as a Montclair State University student. See additionally:
      • Campus Climate for Civility and Human Dignity aims to foster an atmosphere of respect, understanding, and goodwill.
      • Preferred Name: Students may select their preferred name for use at the University. Apply online to make changes.
      • Sexual Violence Policies and Support: The University is committed to a safe environment, and investigates all reports of sexual misconduct. If you share sexual misconduct information with instructors, your instructor is required to report this to the Title IX officer.


Technical Support

Course Summary:

Date Details Due